Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Teacher's Confession

Obama wins!! I could not be happier about the outcome of this years election. This year was the first for me to become involved in politics and my first year to vote. I will be the first to admit that I'm no pro when it comes to politics, but I realized with my career choice, I cannot not care about who leads our country.

I am thankful to have a president that cares about the middle class. I am thankful to have a president that cares about education. After all, I am a teacher. I'm thankful I can still inspire young minds without fearng to lose my benefits. I'm thankful that my father will be able to continue to lead the auto industry and build American made cars for our country. I'm thankful that veterans will be able to come home from war and be welcomed by support and job opportunities. 

I know not everyone is excited about four more years with Obama, but he is our president. United we stand! 

In hope, the Compassionate Teacher

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