Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It's beginning to look (a little) like Christmas

The decorations are slowly but surely getting put up (bought). Had to hit up Home Goods (THE Adult Candy Store) before it was picked over! More to come, folks :)

I may have saw something similar to this on Pinterest.. but it had ornaments inside.  I couldn't pass it up when I saw it on SALE..sitting right next to a bag of pretty snow brushed pine cones!!

This table has just been deemed the seasonal table.. it's the only thing I can think of to decorate when a new holiday approaches.  I want to change the candle thing out, but haven't found something I have fallen in love with yet.  Ooooh, I could do a table runner though!.. What do you think?

Bear baby is watching his poppa start a fire!  We had a delicious roast he cooked, last night, and had my mom and her boyfriend over.  He obviously was trying to set the mood :)

These are the decorations I have for the mantel so far.  I can't decide if I want to get something longer for the center, like letters that spell out "Joy" or "Noel" or something. Those silver things on each side of the tv, made it RAIN glitter in my car and all over my house too.  Whoopsies

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