Monday, November 5, 2012

Behind the Chair Confessions

Hi! I'm Michelle & a hairstylist!
I absolutely LOVE what I do! The best part of my job is making people feel good about themselves... Who doesnt feel amazing & like a new person after getting there hair done?! I'm excited to post some of my pictures on here from work!:)

BUT....for my first confession it's not about's about my baking skills tonight!
I tempted to make these amazing looking Pumpkin-Cream cheese muffins...& forgot the milk!!!! They were so dry they stuck to the roof of your mouth!!

Sandy had to remake them!




  1. Haha they looked delicious on Instagram! -em

  2. I know! As soon as I posted that... I tasted them haha -Chelle

    PS sry it's so big! Idk why!:)

  3. I wanted to make pumpkin treats this season, but haven't even gotten around to it yet!! We should have a bake goods night with the girls soon :) -- Haley
