Sunday, November 4, 2012

The First Confession

As you can probably tell, the very first confession is.....this is the first! So I was inspired to start a blog after accidently stumbling upon a super cute blog (while looking for a dessert recipe of course). 
I then began to get discouraged after coming to the realization that my 20-something life isn't too terribly interesting right now.  No kids, no wedding to plan, not a terribly big family, or crazy hobbies...I'm not even that good of a cook to be looking for recipes!  I do have an amazing boyfriend, new house, somewhat new job and two adorable dogs though!   But let's be real, how many blogs would it take of photos of my dogs laying down, sleeping, dressed up, laying down, sleeping.. before it got boring?  Not long!   Okay so my life really is interesting but probably not entertaining enough to fill up a blog as much as you're supposed to.  So my next idea was to have all of my closest friends upload to this blog as well.  We all have been best friends since high school, and all have started to branch out and start our post-college lives.  There is a lot of interesting things going on collectively, so I thought it would be a fun way to stay in touch since we don't have as much time to be together as we used to!  I hope you enjoy!
-The "not always so professional" professional

Also known as.... Haley ;)

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