Monday, November 5, 2012

Kindergarten Confessions

Being a kindergarten reading teacher, I hear some very interesting things throughout my day. I thought I write about some of my favorite things I've hear this far in my career in teaching Kindergarten.

For those who do not know me, I am a Title 1 teacher at an urban elementary school. I teach children how to read. In August, my kids did not know their ABC's or how to spell their name. Most of my kids have come a long way from then and we are reading level A books now! Woo hoo! I also now have two fourth graders that I work with that did not pass the IRead test for 3rd grade.

Now that you have some idea of the children I work with here are some of the funny things my kids have told or asked me.

Shanyia (age 5): "Miss Gonzalez, do you have a daughter?" No. "When you get one, will you name her Lindsay?" Sure Shanyia, I'll think about it when that day comes!

E.J. (age 6): "Mom, I mean Miss Gonzalez."

Matthew (age 6): Miss Gonzalez why are you so young? Teachers are suppose to be old."

Jakob (age 6): How was your weekend Jakob? "I had to mow the grass for 6 hours."

Parent at Fall Festival (age 50s?!): "Miss Gonzalez how many tickets does it cost to get my picture taken with you?"

E.J. (age 6): Miss Gonzalez why don't you wear braids and beads in your hair?"

Isaiah (age 5): What you do over fall break? "Laid in bed." Well what else did you do? "Just laid in bed the whole break."

Hunter (age 6): "I HAVE TO POOP (Holding his butt while he says it)!"

Elijah (age 10): "Man I just flip out when kids step on the back of my shoes."

I hope some of these made you giggle, I'll post more when my kids say more silly things.

:) Emily

1 comment:

  1. E.J. (age 6): Miss Gonzalez why don't you wear braids and beads in your hair?" <--- That is my absolute favorite kiddie quote!!! -Haley
